Georgina Quintana Un Resquicio Habitable, 1985
Georgina Quintana (b. Mexico City, 1956) is a Mexican artist who formed a key part of the generation whose risk-taking and irreverence in the 1980s created a Renaissance in Mexican art. Based out of the same studio in Cuajimalpa, Mexico, since 1988, Quintana’s paintings are known for their epic-scale and luminosity, investigating the totalizing idea of world-making, and combining philosophical and personal narratives in a reimagination and subversion of colonial imagery and categorization. Often painted on layered scraps or cardboard, her work traces the edges of human agency within taxonomies of nature and the cosmos. She studied at Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado (“La Esmeralda”) and Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Quintana’s work has been exhibited widely, including at the Museo Amparo, Puebla; Museo Carillo Gil, Mexico City; the Museo de la Ciudad, Mexico City; and the Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City; and will be included in a forthcoming exhibition at The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.