Mario Garcia Torres Escenario I, 2021
Mario García Torres (b. 1975, Monclova, Mexico) is an artist currently living between Mexico City and Los Angeles. Through a personal and intimate research-based practice, his work has been investigating the structures and politics that make art possible, mainly using blind spots in recent art history and employing gestures normally related to the immaterial legacy of conceptual art. Interested in uncertainty and counter narratives, he has blurred the notions of fact and fiction through the use of a wide range of mediums among them film, slide shows performance, sound and painting. Some of the most important solo exhibitions of his work have been held at the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (2007), Kunsthalle Zürich (2008), Berkeley Art Museum, Berkeley (2009), Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid (2010); Museo MADRE, Naples (2013), Perez Art Museum, Miami (2015), TBA21, Vienna (2016), Museo Tamayo, Mexico City (2016), Walker Art Center, Minneapolis (2018) and Wiels Art Centre, Brussels (2019). He has also participated in such international exhibitions as the Sharjah Biennial 13,Tamawuj, Emirates (2017), Manifesta 11, Zurich, the Berlin Biennale (2014); the Mercosul Biennial, Porto Alegre, Brazil (2013); Documenta 13, Kassel (2012); the São Paulo Bienal (2010); and the Venice Biennale (2007) to name a few. Garcia Torres' work is part of many private collections around the world. His works could be found in public collections such as the MoMA, New York, the Pompidou Centre, Paris, MUAC and Museo Tamayo in Mexico City, the Hammer Museum in LA and the Tate Modern, London. He currently has a mid-career exhibition at MARCO, Monterrey.